My purpose as a teacher is to challenge students, empower them to discover their own potential, and support the pursuit of their passions. Educating our youth provides the foundation for the future; it’s more than just imparting knowledge though, it’s about cultivating lifetime learners with the skills necessary to be successful. I believe that by centering my classroom around a culture of curiosity and exploration, I can guide my students along this path.
Just as I was fortunate enough to have as a student, I want to provide a safe and enriching environment for students to explore themselves and their surroundings. I’m drawn to art because it provides a unique opportunity to discover who we are, to confront the issues we face as a society, and to investigate new possibilities and new ways of understanding the world. Art can teach us many things. Be it how to communicate with one another, how to think creatively, or how to problem solve, these are the types of skills I seek to impart on my students through authentic art experiences.