In the first lesson, students began by using tissue paper and experimenting with different techniques to create an array of visual effects. These techniques were then incorporated into a final work of art. For more details, please follow this LINK to our blog post.
The second lesson focused on creating art through repetition and pattern. Students began by discovering and observing pattern and repetition in their surroundings and then translated those ideas into a piece of art work using numerous mediums, including drawing in clay slabs. For more details, please follow this LINK to our blog post.
After drawing on clay slabs during the second lesson, all of the students expressed interest in working more with clay. With this in mind, we created a lesson around the ideas of form and function to allow the students more time to explore clay and create various forms and vessels. For more details, please follow this LINK to our blog post.
During the fourth lesson, we covered the basics of glaze and glaze application so that students could explore different ways for finishing their clay pieces. Once students were done glazing their pieces, we introduced them to mask making with plaster and plastic face molds. For more details, please follow this LINK to our blog post.
In the final lesson, students were introduced to various methods for decorating their masks. With numerous 2D mediums, as well as tactile and 3D materials, the students were able to explore and create a wide variety of designs and effects. For more details, please follow this LINK to our blog post.